Breast Feeding - Frequently Asked Questions

Breast-feeding is one of the most natural things in the world. Many women have questions about breast-feeding. There are myths and facts about breast-feeding. These will be discussed in the list of questions and answers provided below.

Q. What are some myths about breast-feeding?

There are many myths about breast feeding such, as you cannot take any medication while breastfeeding. Most medications are safe for you but you should check with your doctor first. A breast-feeding mother with an infection should not be breast-feeding. Actually she should continue because her milk provides the baby with help to resist infections. If s/he does become ill, it will not be severe.

Q. What are some problems that can occur with breast-feeding?

Some women may not be able to produce enough milk. Others produce too much milk, too quickly and this can cause engorgement. Expressing some of the milk may relieve some of the pain.

Q. Are there things I should avoid while breastfeeding?

You should avoid alcoholic drinks as the alcohol does pass through to the baby and it can affect the baby’s weight and central nervous system. If you drink only occasionally, make sure you do it after you nurse. This means that alcohol level will be lower or gone before the next feeding. Avoid spicy or gassy foods as these can upset your baby’s delicate tummy.

Q. What is Thrush?

Thrush is a yeast infection in the baby’s mouth that looks like little white patches on their tongue and the inside of the cheeks. Mom can continue to breast feed as long as both she and the baby are treated with a medication.

Q. Can I breast-feed while taking medication?

Yes you can breast feed while taking medication. Be sure before you take anything that you check with your doctor first to be on the safe side. Most medications are safe but it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Q. Can just any woman breast-feed?

Yes any woman can breast feed provided that she hasn’t had breast surgery that has affected the milk ducts. The size of her breasts does not affect breast-feeding.

Q. What is Milk Fever?

This is an outdated term that referred to plugged milk ducts. In fact, if you have a fever you have Mastitis not Milk Fever that is a misnomer.

Q. Can my baby be allergic to my breast milk?

It is highly unlikely that your baby can become allergic to breast milk. Talk to your pediatrician to see what he might suggest. You might need to take your baby to a gastro-enterologist for testing but continue breast-feeding unless you are told to stop.

Q. Can breast feeding mother drink caffeinated beverages?

Yes coffees, teas, and soda are okay but in limited amounts. The caffeine does pass through your milk to the baby. It can make your baby restless and fussy.

Q. Can I drink carbonated beverages while breast-feeding?

In moderation carbonated beverages are okay in limited amounts. Two a day should not affect your baby. The concern is the large amounts of phosphorous that are in carbonated beverage and this is for all women; it may decrease the amount of calcium you will be able to absorb.

Q. What can I do if my baby refuses to breast-feed?

If your baby refuses to breast feed you can try feeding him while he’s asleep or very sleepy. You can try varying positions while you are feeding. You could also try breast feeding your baby while in motion, for example rocking, walking, or riding in the car.

Q. Can I lose weight safely while I am breast-feeding?

While you are breast-feeding don’t worry too much about losing weight. It is important that you east a very healthy diet in order to maintain your milk supply. Check with your doctor as s/he might have helpful hints for you.

Q. Can Diabetic mothers breast-feed their babies?

Yes, Diabetic mothers can breast feed. After birth babies of Diabetic mothers must be monitored for low blood sugar, a high hematocrit, and possibly low calcium. Pumping their breasts as soon after birth as possible to help bring in their milk supply. This will make it easier for their babies to learn how to nurse.

Q. What are some of the benefits of breastfeeding for my baby and me?

The benefits of breast feeding for women is that the risk of breast and ovarian cancer is reduced, it helps you to lose some of the pregnancy weight and may lower the risk of osteoporosis. Another benefit is it saves money on formula and bottles. The benefits of breast feeding for babies is that their mothers milk protects them from allergens and eczema, reduces stomach upset, and lessens the incidence of SIDS. It also protects the baby from such diseases as Spinal Meningitis, Type I Diabetes, and Hodgkin's Lymphoma. There is also some suggestion it may help prevent obesity later in life.

In Conclusion

The information given here is just a fraction of what is available out there. You search the Internet or talk to your doctor and/or hospital for more specific information regarding breast-feeding and options that may be unique for you. The choice is up to you and you know what would be right for you and your baby.


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About the Author
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of Nursery Bedding which includes Baby strollers, Baby car seats, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information.

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Diabetes: Breast-feeding May Help Babies and Women Against Diabetes

Babies and women may be protected against developing diabetes disease through breast feeding, according to new research. This current study states that the longer women nursed, the lower their risks of developing diabetes.

Diabetes as a medical disorder characterized by varying or persistent elevated blood sugar levels, especially due to eating, is a serious disease which symptoms are very similar for all types of diabetes.

Breast feeding is when a woman feeds a baby or a young child with milk produced from her breasts. The best thing for feeding a baby is breast milk, as experts say, if the mother does not have transmissible infections.

Although study findings are not conclusive, researchers explain that breast-feeding may change metabolism of mothers which may help keep blood sugar levels stable and make the body more sensitive to the blood sugar-regulating hormone insulin.

This theory is based on some evidence that show that in rats and humans that are breast-feeding, mothers have lower blood-sugar levels than those who did not breast-feed.

According to the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, women who breast-fed for at least one year were about 15 per cent less likely to develop diabetes type 2 than those who never breast-fed. For each additional year of breast-feeding, there was an additional 15 per cent decreased risk.

A total of 157,000 nurses participated in the new study. They answered periodic health questionnaires and were followed for at least 12 years. During the study, 6,277 participants developed type 2 diabetes.

Article written by Hector Milla editor of, a website about diabetes testing supply, or you may read their last article: Diabetes: High Blood Sugar Symptoms at Thanks for using this diabetes article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.

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Breast enlargement Methods

Most people have heard of breast implants for breast enlargement. This is becoming an increasingly accepted procedure, and many women are happy with the results. However, there are several disadvantages to breast enlargement surgery. As with any surgical procedure, there is pain and scarring. You may need recovery time before resuming daily activies. In addition, there are always risks associated with surgery. Often the cost of performing surgical breast enlargement is too high.

For those who want breast enlargement but don't want implants, there are other options to consider. Some natural breast enlargement methods use creams or pills. Other breast enlargement methods utilize herbal remedies or non-surgical devices. For those who want breast enlargement without surgery, these are all options worth looking into.

Individuals desire breast enlargement for a variety of reasons. One common reason is to look better. Feeling good about your looks can build self-confidence. Breast enlargement can help if you are uncomfortable with your breast size, but it isn't a total answer to low self-esteem. Usually the people happiest with breast enlargement are those who already feel good about themselves. Breast enlargement works well with those who are seeking to improve themselves physically in just this one area. If you have other issues with self-esteem, breast enlargement will not solve all your problems.

If you think that breast enlargement would help you to feel better about yourself, it is worth looking into. Check out all the options, including natural breast enlargement methods. You might be glad you did.

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About the Author
Wirat M. is the webmaster of the natural breast enlargement , enhancement and healthcare product review and advice website To Free BREAST SPRAY $ 40 at

Breastfeeding a Colicky Baby - How Can a Mom Stop the Pain?

Many women choose to breast feed because the "breast is best" however there are other mothers that breastfeed as well simply to avoid a colicky baby. Unfortunately, it does not work this way and colic is an equal opportunity condition that affects babies that are breast fed, bottle fed, and those that are fed both. However, there are a variety of things you can do to help soothe your baby's colic and reduce the pain.

Colic is not a condition that is well understood and while there are many natural and conventional remedies for this condition they are not all the right treatment for every baby. As a result, many parents try many things, sometimes to no avail, to help stop the pain of colic and have a happy and healthy baby. Regardless, as a breastfeeding mom you should keep trying remedies that might help your baby's colic until you find the right one or until your baby outgrows the colic stage. There are some things you can do as a mom as well that will possibly help.

Unfortunately, many moms that breastfeed don't burp their baby as much as needed simply because they mistakenly believe their baby is not getting too much air because they aren't' being bottle fed. This is not the case at all as breast fed babies also eat too quickly and gulp air as well. Since this air ends up in the intestines and is frequently blamed for colic pain you should burp your baby before breastfeeding and then after feeding on each breast and intermittently in between if it seems appropriate.

Another tip that breastfeeding moms should try when their baby is colicky is to reduce the amount of dairy products consumed. This might seem odd, but many babies have an allergy or sensitivity to milk proteins that are passed from the mother to the child through breast milk. As a result, if you eat a lot of dairy products and have a colicky baby stop eating diary for a few weeks and see how your baby responds. There is a big chance it will help out considerably. Another suggestion is to stop consuming large amounts of caffeine because this is transmitted to the baby through the breast milk and most babies that ingest caffeine become irritable to say the least.

You should also hold a colicky baby under four months of age in order to soothe their discomfort from colic. This is because it has been proven that babies held more than three hours a day suffer less from colic than babies that are not held. Also, you won't be spoiling your baby if he is less than 4 months of age so hold them as long as you would like to relieve their pain and help the whole family feel better.

Colic can be difficult for mother and baby and the stress it causes frequently makes the situation worse. This is because nobody is getting any rest and the mother is still recovering from delivery not to mention raging hormones and trying to figure out how to care for a new life. Obviously, it can take a little getting used to not to mention be overwhelming at first. So, if you are a new mom with a colicky baby do your best to relax and let all those friends and family members help while they are still offering! You will love the time to decompress and regenerate and your baby will benefit because you won't be as stressed and the baby will feel this and not have as much colic. Remember, breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your child and you should continue doing it as long as possible. You will develop a stronger relationship with your baby and probably feel more relaxed as well as long as you have made the above changes and your baby's colic has been resolved as a result.

About the Author
Vickie Barnes is a colic veteran of two colicky babies. Please visit her website, for more support and resources for dealing with colic.

What Baby Formula is Best for a Baby With Colic?

Many mothers choose to feed their babies formula because of hectic schedules and the difficulty with pumping milk. As a result, formula is a great option for many mothers. However, lots of moms regret the choice of feeding their babies formula when the baby develops colic. It will help mothers to realize that many babies, no matter whether breast fed or formula fed, will simply suffer from colic. So, if your baby is suffering from colic don't second guess yourself because most babies that develop colic simply develop it.

When you became pregnant you were probably really excited and started making plans. These plans may have included the choice to feed your baby formula and even if you did a lot of research to find the "right" formula you probably were unaware that each baby has different needs and that your baby might actually develop colic. Many mothers have heard of colic, yet don't realize what it really is until it happens to their baby. But, once it affects your baby you will become more concerned about the best formula for your baby that might help them feel better and suffer less.

There are some signs that will let you know if changing formula is a good idea. One of these is if your baby has stomach and gas pains after a feeding. If this is the case and you and your doctor believe a new formula will help then changing is a good idea. However, keep in mind that colic frequently worsens before it gets better so when changing formula be prepared for a couple of rough days before being able to determine if the new formula is working better than the old one. Also, don't change formulas frequently if it is not necessary because this could make your baby worse.

If you have decided to change formulas then you might consider Carnation Good Start. The company markets this formula as having "comfort proteins" that are easier for the baby to break down and as a result have less gas pain. However, this brand really only works for babies that tolerate cow's proteins because the formula is made from this. Many babies do have a sensitivity or even allergy to cow's proteins, as well as others, that parents never realize until they switch formulas with different proteins and the baby gets worse.

In the case your baby does not react well to Carnation's Good Start then you might want to try a soy based formula. About 50% of baby's that are allergic to cow's proteins are also allergic to soy proteins, but 50% are not so it might just work for your baby. You certainly don't want to try a formula your baby is allergic to, but you also don't want them suffering because you are too scared to try a different formula. So, talk to your doctor to see if a soy protein formula is a good option for your baby and if so which brand might work best for baby.

In the instance that neither Carnation Good Start or soy formulas work for your baby then a hypoallergenic formula might be your last option. These formulas are great for babies with a sensitive digestive system, however they are certainly expensive, and because of this most parents only use them in the case that their baby cannot tolerate any other formula.

Colic is no fun for baby or the parents, however with a little patience and trying different formulas you will be successful and help your baby find comfort. So, talk to your doctor about what formula might be best for your baby to try when colic appears and then take it from there.

About the Author
Vickie Barnes is a colic veteran of two colicky babies. Please visit her website, for more support and resources for dealing with colic.

Breastfeed or Bottle-Feed? by Sophie Becket

This is the question all mothers face as their due date nears. Whichever choice you make either to breastfeed or bottle-feed be sure to stick with it. It's not a good choice to try to breastfeed and bottle-feed at the same time. The mother's nipple and the bottles nipple is very different shape, the baby will find it easier to suck on the bottle nipples and may cause problems when trying to suck from its mother's nipple. This can cause the baby not to get enough to eat when breastfeeding.

Be sure to take your baby in for regular check-ups, your pediatrician will be able to tell you if the baby is gaining weight and getting the proper nutrition it needs. It is also reassuring to know just how your baby is doing and allows the mother a chance to ask their pediatricians any questions they may have.

Nutritionally, breast milk is the best, it has not been duplicated exactly yet and probably will never be. It provides nutrients that help in baby's brain development. Breast milk will protect the baby from illnesses, as long as they are breastfeeding they are protected by a much more developed immune system than their own, moms. Babies tolerate breast milk more than formula milk, it rarely cause gastric problems and are less likely to be over weight.

Here is a short list of something's that can affect a mother's milk supply:

1. What the mother eats
2. Mothers nursing techniques
3. Mothers nursing capabilities
4. Amount of rest and sleep mother gets
5. Mothers state of mind
6. Mothers desire to nurse
7. Baby's ability to latch on to mothers nipple

Formulas have come a long way and are packed with nutrients. If Bottle-feeding is your choice you will find a wide range of formulas to choose from. It has been said that breastfed babies form a special bond with their mothers. I'm sure that a bottle fed baby forms just as strong bond with its mother while being held in her loving arms close to her body, hearing her familiar heart beat while feeding.

Breastfeed or bottle-feed it all boils down to what is best for you and your baby. Whichever way you choose a mothers love is the same, constant and true. Enjoy every moment!

About the Author
Sophie writes for Breastfeeding Information, which offers great tips,
advice and information concerning Breastfeeding. Get all the
information you are seeking now by visiting:

Tips for a Smooth Start to Breast Feeding

Roger Overanout
Many different sources were used while writing this article; I hope you find it informative and helpful.

There are many ways to plan to be a mother and to breast feed for the first time.

First find out as much as you can, this can involve reading about breastfeeding during your pregnancy, check out our web site there is a mass of information on it, so you will know what to do once your baby is in your arms, attending antenatal lessons and learning `about breast feeding there, or you can even join a support group and enjoy mingling with other mothers who can give you lots of tips and guidance.

During pregnancy, it is very important you take good care of yourself. This ensures when it comes to the time to have your baby, it is as stress free and healthy a birth as it can possibly be.

There are plenty of things you can do to prepare yourself for feeding your baby whilst you are still pregnant; these include ensuring your breasts are prepared for the feeding experience. It's always a good idea to tell your midwife or obstetrician of any breast surgery you may have had as this might influence your abilities to feed your baby. Also check your nipples to see if they have become inverted, this can present difficulties when the time comes for the baby to latch on,

Speak to your friends and family about their breastfeeding experiences, or go to a breastfeeding support group so you can meet and chat to other breastfeeding mothers.

Once your baby has been born, its important that the baby is put to the breast immediately. This is because the suckling instinct in a baby is very strong when they are first born. If you can get your baby to latch on inside those first few minutes of life, it is imprinted on them and subsequent breast-feeding experiences should become a lot easier.

Most maternity hospitals give you the opportunity to let your baby stay in the same room as you overnight. This is a good idea, so make certain you take advantage of it. It will give you that added time to both get to know one another and create the mother and baby bond that is so important.

If your baby does sleep in the nursery it's important that the nursery staff don't feed your baby formula whilst you are sleeping. Insist that when he awakens he is brought to you for feeding from your breast even if it is the middle of the night.

Don't be concerned that you are not producing much milk to start off with, this is normal. The thin liquid that is created just after your baby is born is rich in nutrients and antibodies. It is enough to keep your baby happy until your milk "comes in" a few of days after your baby is born.

I hope you found the above helpful and you have a good experience breastfeeding you new baby.

About the Author
To find a host of tipa and information on all aspects of Breast Feeding please visit

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Tea can be an alternative for heavy smoker

Cant Stop Smoking, Start Drinking Tea... by David Giusti

Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven't cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, "I am a smoker." If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.

It came to me one afternoon, when I was trying to fight off a sore throat, and I held my pipe in my left hand, and searched for my lighter with my right...I shouldn't be doing this. I have had this sore throat for a week, and I can't stop smoking.

Well, the truth was the truth, and I really didn't have intentions of stopping...Slowing down, yes; stopping, no. Though this moment was quick, it was important, as it was then that I accepted my fait. And more importantly, was now able to balance the scales.

Smoking makes you look old, smoking causes cancer, smoking smells, smoking makes your teeth yellow, and a million other STOP SMOKING ads rushed through my head...

I accepted them all...

Ok, now what...Well, I began to think. With a sore throat nagging me at the moment, I decided to attack this enemy first. Mouth wash, medicine, vitamins; I found these were all good ideas. But although I was helping the issue, my throat still hurt, and I was beginning to cough.

Perhaps the coughing was a blessing in disguise as I reached for cup of tea to help stop a fit of coughs. The steam helped me breathe, and the hot water cleared my throat. If nothing else, this experience got me thinking.

I looked further into the matter, as I of course stepped up my tea intake.

I found out that drinking tea, Rooibos Tea and Jasmine Green Tea in particular, will help me to relax (calming down my nerves), contain large amounts of anti oxidants to fight against the increased level of free radicals in my body from smoking (the cause aging skin and of course, Cancer), clean my body of toxins, help me breathe, and help my previously mentioned sore throat. I looked at this list, and the STOP SMOKING ads returned...

Could it be that a pot of tea was a helpful accessory walking down this smokey path?? From personal experience, I have found that tea helps. And NO, I do not think drinking tea will protect me from all ailments, or that I will never get sick again, or I will avoid any other ill drawn fait that may await me, but with certain facts that I had to accept, I can only do my best to minimize the damage. And as I end this article with no promises, I will restate a simply written statement that proves itself time and time again, "Drinking tea is a good idea..."

About the Author
Along with writing, David Giusti is the owner of Sabaidi Tea Co., Ltd.,, a company that exports Handmade Gourmet Tea Bags and Gift boxes and other specialties from Bangkok, Thailand. You can read more on the company's home page at

Breast Cancer: What Women Should Know

From relative obscurity, breast cancer has become one of the leading causes of deaths among women in the world. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer have been reported in the United States, making it the second leading cause of cancer death in the US. It is, in fact, the most common malignancy problem that is affecting women in North America and Europe today.

But what is breast cancer and how do people get it?

Breast cancer occurs when malignant tumors in the breast grow and start to affect other tissues in the body. There is still no clear indications how tumors are created but what is often observed is that cancerous cells usually comes from ducts or glands.

Although women’s health organizations advise women to massage the breast daily and to feel for any lumps, it may a long time before a cancerous cell get big enough for us to feel it. By that time, it may already be too late. Doctors make use of mammograms for their diagnosis.

Breast at risk

All women are actually at risk, with the risk increasing with the presence of some risk factors that are already part of the natural cycle, for example, aging. Family history of breast cancer can also significantly affect the prognosis as heredity has been found to play a role. Women who got their periods before they were 12 years old and those who never had or had children after 30 years old are also more likely to develop breast cancer.

There are also risk factors that medical science can help alter such as hormonal problems through replacement therapies. Women are also advised to decrease their consumption of alcoholic drinks, exercise every day and decrease the use of birth control pills. Breastfeeding has been found to decrease the risk of breast cancer development.

Although there are some factors that women can avoid to prevent breast cancer from developing, cause and effect relationships between these factors and breast cancer is still debatable. For women who are already at high risk, doctors often recommend a drug called Tamoxifen, which is known to decrease the risk by as much 50 percent when taken in five years. Still, like all medications, Tamoxifen has side effects such as hot flushes, vaginal discharges and sometimes even blood clots. Taking the drug can also lead to pulmonary emobolus, stroke and uterine cancer, although these are all isolated cases.

Another avenue that women can go to is Vitamin A, which some studies show to be effective in decreasing the risk. Still, research is still in the initial stages and nothing has been proven yet. Other things that are being linked to the breast cancer fight are phytoestrogens, which can be found in soya, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C.

But until something concrete is found in research, the only thing that women can do to ensure that they are safe from breast cancer is early detection. This can be done through daily self-examinations as well as annual check ups and mammogram tests. It is also important that women know the beginnings of breast cancer. Here are some of the signs that they should watch out for.

Lumps in the breast and in the underarms
Scaling of the skin of the breast and of the nipple
Redness in the skin of the breast and of the nipple
Changes in the size of their breasts
Discharges from the nipple

If these signs are observed, it is best to consult a specialist so that you can know whether you have breast cancer or not.

Robert Thatcher is a freelance publisher based in Cupertino, California. He publishes articles and reports in various ezines and provides breast cancer resources on

Article Source:

Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer Detection and Protection
By Moss Greene

Why get naked? Skin cancer, is one reason. That’s right, it’s important to regularly look your body over for detection. Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the U.S., with nearly one million new cases each year. Undiagnosed, it can cause serious problems.

Basal cell and squamous cell cancers are the most common, but melanoma is the most deadly. Melanoma is responsible for over seven thousand deaths a year and the incidence is increasing rapidly. Melanoma is now the number one cancer in younger women and second only to breast cancer in women over the age of 30. White and fair skin people are at the greatest risk. However, skin cancer is deadlier among African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians, even though their risk is less.

Most skin cancer is preventable. But it requires staying out of the sun as much as possible. If you’re going to be exposed, be certain to cover up. Wear a hat that shades your face and both the front and back of your neck, plus a long sleeve shirt and full length pants to cover arms and legs.

Also, use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 and reapply it throughout the day - especially after swimming or sweating. Be sure to get new sunscreen each year, because last year’s is no longer effective. And, definitely avoid tanning booths, since they’ve been shown to increase your risk.

A diet rich in carotenoid fruits and vegetables plus a high quality carotenoid supplement can also help protect against skin cancer. Carotenoids are the phytonutrient factors in certain plants that help protect them from sun damage. Luckily, it can do the same for you. But, you still need to get naked. Take your clothes off and look yourself over for changes in skin. It’s an important habit for protecting yourself from skin cancer. And, always be sure to check out those hard to see places like your back, buttocks, bottom of feet and top of your head. Maybe a friend can help!

Moss Greene makes it easy for you to look and feel better. Visit her site at to learn the simple things you can do for yourself right now. Be sure to subscribe to her free newsletter - you don't want to miss a thing!

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Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure.

People in the occupations such as construction jobs in shipyards, insulators, boilermakers, etc. are at the risk of contracting asbestos disease.

The 2 common types of mesothelioma are:

Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs).

The survival time for a patient with diffuse malignant mesothelioma is from 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Mesothelioma is also difficult to diagnose.

The chance of recovery for a patient with mesothelioma depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and his response to the treatment.

Presently, the treatment options for mesotheliomas are:

Radiation therapy
Surgery and Photodynamic therapy

There is some evidence that provitamin A or beta-carotene may decrease the risk of mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Cancer


[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info.]

This article has been written by Visit the web site mesothelioma information, for more information.

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